A Meme is “an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online, especially through social media” [source].
This article contains my favourite memes (~ two dozen in total), organized into the following categories:
Test Automation Framework
Agile Process
Agile in General
Software Testing — General
Test Automation
Side Hustle
Software Development
What I love most about memes is their amusement factor, as working in the software industry can be quite stressful. If you have any good ones, please share the link. If I like them, I’ll add them to my collection.
Test Automation Framework
The following mindset (using JavaScript) applies to End-to-End Test Automation as well.
How many JavaScript End-to-End Test Automation Frameworks have you heard over the last 10 years? The fact is that the Web barely changed for nearly 16 years (HTML5 was released in 2008). Crazy, right?
Agile Process

Agile in General

Software Testing — General

Test Automation


Side Hustle

Many software professionals dislike the job, including the language (e.g., JavaScript), the framework (e.g., React), the architecture (e.g., Microservices), test automation frameworks/tools (e.g. Cypress), the fake agile processes (e.g., estimating user story points and mandatory code review process), etc. They do (and sometimes even sign for) it anyway, for money. Often, switching jobs won’t help much either (I was a contractor for 10+ years).
In 2006, I started working on my side projects, …
Lesson: Don’t take software professionals’ opinions seriously unless they use their own advice in their personal projects.

I think every software professional should try their hand at a side hustle software project, at least once.
Tips: Implementing end-to-end test automation and continuous testing can significantly reduce workload and boost the chances of success.
Software Development

Be aware of fake agile coaches, test automation experts, … ,etc. For End-to-end Testing, it is quite easy to filter out fakes. Check out my article, “Test Automation and Continuous Testing Competition Week”
Software is created by people, hence, there are human factors.